Case Studies

Subscription Box

A prominent subscription-based, e-commerce brand has worked with Compass for three years. When the partnership began, the brand was struggling with high operating costs.

How Compass Helped:
  • 15% reduction in overall Operating Expenses
  • 95% CSAT achieved
  • 5x ROAS by Adding Proactive Chat
  • 20% Customer Win-Back Rate via Chat
case study
"Compass has been an excellent partner, allowing us to scale our team quickly while providing an awesome experience for our customers."
Customer Experience Manager at Bespoke Post
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case study
"Compass' tailored solutions, informed by years of expertise with e-commerce retailers, helped decrease operating costs while increasing customer satisfaction and driving sales."
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A leading apparel brand with a cult following partnered with Compass to increase their customer satisfaction (CSAT) across multiple channels.

How Compass Helped:
  • 75% increase in sales YoY
  • 40% increase in customer service tickets YoY
  • 12% decrease in operating costs YoY
  • 33% decrease in ticket resolution times

Food & Beverage

A specialty food delivery service enlisted Compass to enhance their customer experience while continuing to focus on developing new offerings.

How Compass Helped:
  • 97% Customer Satisfaction Rate (CSAT).
  • 22% Average Order Volume (AOV) increase within 6-months.
  • +30% Conversion rate for chat tickets.
case study
"Compass developed a revenue-focused growth strategy by increasing the number of contact methods available to customers. By adding live channels (chat and phone service), Compass' customer service team was able to convert potential customers to loyal subscribers at an unprecedented pace."
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